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    张海滨 副教授
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主要从事热带海岛工程结构健康监测、结构防灾减灾方向的研究。主持省部级项目4项,分别为海南省创新科技人才项目(留学生项目)、海南省自然科学基金面上项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目、哈尔滨工业大学教育部重点试验室基金;主持海南大学科研启动基金校级项目1项;参与国家自然科学基金项目、国家科技支撑计划、美国交通部项目等共10余项。曾获第7届结构健康监测会议最佳青年学者论文提名奖,第8届亚太暑期学校结构健康监测与控制二等奖,美国交通部INSPIRE研究中心最佳海报奖,大连理工大学博士生国家奖学金、优秀研究生、优秀毕业生等奖励。共发表文章30余篇。其中,SCI 20余篇(第一作者11篇)。授权国家发明专利4项,实用新型专利5项。担任SCI期刊Buildings, Sustainability和International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks客座主编。任美国土木工程师协会会员,结构工程领域知名期刊Engineering Structures、Structural Health Monitoring等审稿人。







[1] 2005.09-2009.07,中国农业大学,土木工程,大学本科/学士;

[2] 2015.07-2015.08,美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,结构健康监测与控制,暑期学校结业;

[3] 2009.09-2016.12,大连理工大学,防灾减灾工程及防护工程,硕博连读,研究生/博士,导师:欧进萍 院士、侯爽 教授。


[1] 2017.03-2019.03,哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),博士后,合作导师:欧进萍 院士;

[2] 2019.03-2021.02,美国密苏里科技大学,博士后,合作导师:Genda Chen讲席教授;

[3] 2021.03-2023.03,美国密苏里科技大学,研究顾问,合作导师:Genda Chen讲席教授。


[1] 2024.01-2026.12,海南省科技人才创新项目(留学生项目),KJRC2023L02,钢筋混凝土结构多尺度损伤监测及其非线性模型修正研究,50万元,在研,主持。

[2] 2024.01-2026.12,海南省自然科学基金面上项目,地震-海啸多灾害作用下钢筋混凝土桥梁限位、耗能智能剪力键,8万元,在研,主持。

[3] 2023.05-2028.05,海南大学科研启动基金,热带海岛工程结构健康监测与多灾害防护,10万元,在研,主持。

[4] 2017.09-2019.05,中国博士后科学基金二等资助,2017M621281,考虑多材料非线性的钢筋混凝土局部损伤监测及模型修正,5万元,结题,主持。

[5] 2017.07-2019.07,哈尔滨工业大学结构工程灾变与控制教育部重点实验室开放基金,HITCE201710,RC结构关键区域和构件复杂动应力监测与损伤分析,5万元,结题,主持。

[6] 2021.12-2025.12,xxx检测技术与预警方法,xxxxx腐蚀劣化机理与新型无损检测技术,200万元,在研,参与。

[7] 2019.01- 2021.12,国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目, 51808170, 基于机电阻抗技术的锚固结构锈蚀监测与评估方法研究,26万元,结题,参与。

[8] 2019.1-2022.12,国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51878226,基于运营监测的斜拉桥性能劣化统计模式识别方法研究,60万元,结题,参与。

[9] 2018.01-2021.12,国家自然科学基金委员会,联合基金项目,U1709207,大型跨海桥梁的船撞风险评估、智能监控与安全防护研究,200万元,结题,参与。

[10] 2013.01-2015.12,国家自然科学基金委员会,重大研究计划,91315301-09,第二集成群:重大建筑与桥梁结构地震灾变集成研究-第九课题:大型复杂结构地震灾变过程混合模拟关键技术及其开放式通用试验平台,结题,参与。

[11] 2010.01-2012.12,国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,50908031,钢筋混凝土建筑结构的压电智能骨料与分布式地震损伤监测研究,23万元,结题,参与。

[12] 2010.09-2014.12,国家科技部,科技支撑计划项目,2011BAK02B01,城市基础设施安全监测控制物联网技术,2795万元,结题,参与。

[13] 2022.02-2023.01,美国交通部,MID-America Transportation Center,69A3551747107,SMART Shear Keys for Tsunami/Storm Surge-Hazards Mitigation of Concrete Girder Bridges-Phase IV,$203,689,结题,参与。

[14] 2021.03-2022.06,美国交通部,INSPIRE University Transportation Center,69A3551747126,An Interactive System for Training and Assisting Bridge Inspectors in Inspection Video Data Analytics,$ 80,000,结题,参与。

[15] 2020.03-2020.12,美国交通部,MID-America Transportation Center,69A3551747107,SMART Shear Keys for Multi-Hazards Mitigation of Diaphragm-Free Girder Bridges-Phase III, $82,598,结题,参与。

[16] 2019.08-2024.07,美国交通部,FHWA pooled fund,S064101S,Traffic Disruption-Free Bridge Inspection Initiative with Robotic Systems,$650,000,在研,参与。

[17] 2018.01-2018.12,美国交通部,INSPIRE University Transportation Center,69A3551747126,UAV-Enabled Measurement for Spatial Magnetic Field of Smart Rocks in Bridge Scour Monitoring,$81,136,结题,参与。



[1] Haibin Zhang, Zhenhua Shi, Liujun Li, Pu Jiao, Bo Shang, Genda Chen*. Code-specified early delamination detection and quantification in a RC bridge deck; passive vs. active infrared thermography. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring. 2024.http://doi.org/10.1007/s13349-024-00823-8 (中科院2区,JCR1区,发表日期:2024.08.06)

[2] Haibin Zhang, Shuang Hou*, Jinping Ou. SA-based concrete seismic stress monitoring: The effect of maximum aggregate size. Journal of Building Engineering. 2024. 88: 109232. (中科院2区Top,JCR 1区,发表日期:2024.04.03)

[3] Haibin Zhang, Xinzhe Yuan, Genda Chen*, Pedro Lomonaco. Performance of SMART shear keys in concrete bridges under tsunami loading: An experimental study. Journal of Structural Engineering(ASCE). 2024, 150(1): 04023195. (中科院3区,结构工程领域最顶级期刊,JCR 1区,发表日期:2023.10.24)

[4] Haibin Zhang, Shuang Hou*, Jinping Ou. SA-based concrete seismic stress monitoring: the influence of stirrup confinement and concentric compression. Structures. 2024. 59: 105759. (中科院2区,JCR1区,发表日期:2023.12.19)

[5] Haibin Zhang, Wenyu Liao*, Genda Chen, Hongyan Ma*. Development and characterization of coal-based thermoplastic composite material for sustainable construction. Sustainability. 2023, 15: 12446. (中科院3区,JCR1区,发表日期:2023.08.16)

[6] Haibin Zhang, Zhaochao Li, Genda Chen*, Alec Reven, Buddy Scharfenberg, Jinping Ou. UAV-based smart rock localization for bridge scour monitoring. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2021, 11: 301-313. (中科院2区,JCR 1区,发表日期:2021.01.19)

[7] Haibin Zhang, Shuang Hou*, Jinping Ou. SA-based concrete seismic stress monitoring: The influence of non-uniform stress fields. Engineering Structures, 2019, 190:66–75.(中科院2区,Top期刊,JCR 1区,发表日期:2019.04.10)

[8] Haibin Zhang, Shuang Hou*, Jinping Ou. Smart aggregates for monitoring stress in structural lightweight concrete. Measurement, 2018: 257-263. (中科院3区,JCR 1区,发表日期:2018.03.21)

[9] Haibin Zhang*, Shuang Hou, Jinping Ou. Validation of finite element model by smart aggregate-based stress monitoring. Sensors. 2018, 18:4062. (中科院3区,JCR 1区,发表日期:2018.11.21)

[10] Haibin Zhang, Shuang Hou*, Jinping Ou. Feasibility of SA-based concrete seismic stress monitoring for high-strength concrete. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2017, 28(17):2428-2436. (中科院3区,JCR 1区,发表日期:2017.02.07)

[11] Haibin Zhang, Shuang Hou*, Jinping Ou. Smart aggregate-based seismic stress monitoring system using a specially designed charge amplifier. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2016, 27(3):418-426. (中科院3区,JCR 1区,发表日期:2016.03.02)

[12] Shuang Hou*, Haibin Zhang, Jinping Ou. SA-based concrete seismic stress monitoring: a case study for normal strength concrete. Smart Materials and Structures. 2016, 25(9): 95041. (中科院2区,JCR 1区,发表日期:2016.09.01)

[13] Shuang Hou*, Haibin Zhang, Jinping Ou. A PZT-based smart aggregate for seismic shear stress monitoring. Smart Materials and Structures. 2013, 22(6): 65012. (中科院2区,JCR 1区,发表日期:2013.05.01)

[14] Shuang Hou*, Haibin Zhang, Jinping Ou. A PZT-based smart aggregate for compressive seismic stress monitoring. Smart Materials and Structures. 2012, 21(10): 105035. (中科院2区,JCR 1区,发表日期:2012.09.08)

[15] Shuang Hou*, Chuangshuo Zeng, Haibin Zhang, Jinping Ou. Monitoring interstory drift in buildings under seismic loading using MEMS inclinometers. Construction and Building Materials. 2018, 185:453–67. (中科院1区,JCR 1区,发表日期:2018.07.19)

[16] Tarutal Ghosh Mondal, Zhenhua Shi, Haibin Zhang, Genda Chen. Deep spatiotemporal fusion network for vision-based robotic inspection of structures. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2024. 133: 108297.(中科院1区Top,JCR1区,发表日期:2024.03.23)

[17] Chuangshuo Zeng, Shuang Hou, Haibin Zhang, Jinping Ou. Dynamic plastic hinge rotation measurement for RC columns under seismic loads using MEMS inclinometers. Engineering Structures. 2024. 303: 117520. (中科院2区Top,JCR1区,发表日期:2024.01.19)

[18] Shuang Hou*, Yan Yu, Haibin Zhang, Xingquan Mao, Jinping Ou. A SA-based wireless seismic stress monitoring system for concrete structures. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2013. 978313(0): 1~8. (中科院4区,JCR 1区,发表日期:2013.10.06)

[19] Genda Chen*, Liujun Li, Haibin Zhang, Zhenhua Shi, Bo Shang. Aerial nondestructive testing and evaluation (aNDT&E). Materials Evaluation. 2023, 81 (1): 67–73.(中科院4区,JCR 4区,发表日期:2023.01.01)

[20] Xinzhe Yuan, Liujun Li, Haibin Zhang, Yanping Zhu, Genda Chen*, Cihan Dagli. Machine learning-based seismic damage assessment of residential buildings considering multiple earthquake and structure uncertainties. Natural Hazards Review (ASCE). 2023, 24(3): 04023024. (中科院2区,JCR 2区,发表日期:2023.05.05)

[21] Xinzhe Yuan, Dustin Tanksley, Liujun Li, Haibin Zhang, Genda Chen*, Donald Wunsch. Faster post-earthquake damage assessment based on 1d convolutional neural networks. Applied Sciences. 2021, 11(21):9844. (中科院2区,JCR 1区,发表日期:2021.10.21)

[22] Xinzhe Yuan, Genda Chen*, Pu Jiao, Liujun Li, Jun Han, Haibin Zhang. A neural network-based multivariate seismic classifier for simultaneous post-earthquake fragility estimation and damage classification. Engineering Structures. 2022, 255:113918. (SCI,中科院2区,Top期刊,JCR 1区,发表日期:2022.01.15)

2. 中文期刊论文

[1] 侯爽,张海滨,欧进萍. 地震过程剪应力监测压电智能骨料[J]. 土木工程学报(增刊). 2013, 46: 195-201. (EI检索号:20132816484565)

[2] 张海滨,侯爽,曾创烁,欧进萍. 钢筋混凝土结构构件局部地震损伤多尺度监测方法[J]. 防灾减灾工程学报. 2018, 38(1): 103-108.(中文核心)

[3] 张海滨,侯爽,欧进萍. 压电智能骨料对动载作用下混凝土损伤的监测[J]. 工业建筑. 2016, 46(8):85-88.(中文核心)

[4] 张海滨,侯爽,欧进萍. 压电智能骨料动态拉应力标定试验研究[J]. 防灾减灾工程学报. 2021,41(01): 147-151.(中文核心)

3. 会议论文

[1] Haibin Zhang, Pu Jiao, Liujun Li, Zhenhua Shi, Bo Shang, Genda Chen. Delamination detection of concrete bridge deck through UAV-based infrared thermography. 8th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Orlando, USA: 2022.

[2] Haibin Zhang, Shuang Hou, Jinping Ou. Smart aggregate-based seismic stress monitoring of RC column for numerical model updating[C]. SHMII-9, St. Louis, USA: 2019.

[3] Haibin Zhang, Shuang Hou, Jinping Ou. SA-based damage process stress monitoring and verification of RC columns subjected to reversed cyclic loading[C]. SHMII-8, Brisbane, Australia: 2017.

[4] Haibin Zhang, Shuang Hou, Jinping Ou. Numerical simulation research for concrete seismic stress monitoring by using smart aggregates[C]. SHMII-7, Torino, Italia: 2015.

[5] Haibin Zhang, Shuang Hou, Jinping Ou. A Monitoring method of M-fai curve in plastic hinge zone of the RC structure[C]. 6th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering &11th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology. Urbana-Champaign, USA: 2015.

[6] Shuang Hou, Haibin Zhang, Xin Han, Jinping Ou. Damage monitoring of the RC frame shaking table test and comparison with FEM results. Guangzhou, China: 2017.

[7] Shuang Hou, Haibin Zhang, Jinping Ou. Stone-based smart aggregates using PZT for compressive seismic stress monitoring[C].15WCEE, Lisbon, Portugal: 2012.

[8] Shuang Hou, Haibin Zhang, Sheng Yu. Piezoceramic-based smart aggregates for seismic stress monitoring of RC building[C]. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7981, 2011, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems: San Diego, CA, United states:2011. (EI检索号:20112114004985)

[9] Zhenhua Shi, Bo Shang, Haibin Zhang, Liujun Li, Genda Chen. Evaluation of user-friendliness of several UASs for bridge inspection. 8th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Orlando, U.S.: 2022.

[10] Abudullah Alhaj, Hongya Qu, Haibin Zhang, Genda Chen, Neil Anderson, Evgeniy Torgashov. Evaluation of GPR and PSRA surveying on top and bottom surfaces of a reinforced concrete bridge deck. SHMII-9, St. Louis, U.S.: 2019.


[1] 侯爽,张海滨,欧进萍. 一种埋入式混凝土杆件动力损伤三向应力传感器.中国发明专利:ZL 201110226251.8,2012-11-21.

[2] 侯爽,张海滨,欧进萍. 一种埋入式混凝土结构动力损伤全过程空间应力传感器.中国发明专利:ZL 201110226250.8,2013-01-30.

[3] 侯爽,聂长利,张海滨,欧进萍. 一种免电磁干扰的埋入式混凝土结构多功能压电智能骨料.中国发明专利:ZL 201110226252.2,2012-12-26.

[4] 王一帆,喻言,张海滨,侯爽. 一种用于压电智能骨料地震损伤监测系统的电荷电压转换器.中国发明专利:ZL 201210447447.4,2014-07-23.

[5] 侯爽,张海滨. 一种钢管大尺度可再生混凝土空洞检测装置及方法.中国实用新型专利:ZL 201610182689.3,2016-12-28.

[6] 侯爽,张海滨,欧进萍. 一种埋入式混凝土动力损伤全过程剪应力传感器.中国实用新型专利:ZL 201120286184.4,2012-07-04.

[7] 侯爽,张海滨,郁胜,欧进萍. 一种埋入式混凝土动力损伤全过程压应力传感器.中国实用新型专利:ZL 201120286163.2,2012-08-08.

[8] 侯爽,张海滨,宋钢兵,陈静云,欧进萍. 一种压电智能路面动态称重装置中国实用新型专利: ZL 201320661751.9,2014-04-16.

[9] 侯爽,肖文举,张海滨,欧进萍. 一种监测混凝土动力损伤过程的埋入式高精度双轴倾角仪.中国实用新型专利:ZL 201120326425.3,2012-07-04.


[1] 张海滨,黄均溢. 基于Open3D的混凝土剥落深度与体积测量软件V1.0,证书号:13293361,2024.06.28。


[1] INSPIRE University Transportation Center Annual Meeting Graduate Student Poster Competition, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 1st place, 2020.

[2] “第8届美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校举办的亚太暑期学校”,结构控制与监测竞赛二等奖,2015.08,排名2/8。

[3] “第7届国际智能结构健康监测会议”,青年学者最佳论文提名奖,2015.07, 排名3/40。

[4] “大连理工大学”,优秀毕业生,2015.04。

[5] “大连理工大学”,德豪润达专项奖学金一等奖,2014.12。

[6] “中华人民共和国教育部”,博士研究生国家奖学金,2013.10。

[7] “大连理工大学”,优秀研究生,2012.10。

[8] “中国农业大学”,三好学生,三次荣获,2008.12、2007.12、2006.11。

[9] “中国农业大学”,学习优秀二等奖,两次荣获,2008.11、2006.11。

[10] “中国农业大学”,杨振辉专项奖学金,两次荣获,2008.11、2007.11。

[11] “中国农业大学”,京郊新民居设计大赛优秀二等奖,2008.04。

[12] “中国农业大学”,学习优秀一等奖,2007.11。

[13] “中国农业大学”,结构设计大赛三等奖,2007.05。

[14] “中国农业大学”,安莉芳专项奖学金,2006.11。



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